Monday, July 6, 2009

14 days to go...

As I'm approaching my due date (July 20th), I'm really trying to cherish these last few days with just me and Lincoln. He has adjusted well to all the changes this past month has brought. Moving being the biggest one. Now he's really in for it! Baby brother Boone.

I know around 18 months their vocabulary explodes, and my goodness has it. At his 18 month check up, his NP was incredibly impressed by how many words he has. "More than the average 2 year old," she informed us. Ya know what they say, slow to walk...

We call him our little mockingbird, as he's ALWAYS copying words with the most inflection. Guppy just taught him to shake hands, and say (in his little tiny high pitched Lincoln voice) "How do dooo?" He'll giggle and run back and forth between whoever's around, shaking hands. He'll even ask Milo the dog! (Speaking of Milo, I just looked over, and Lincoln has draped his pajama pants on Milo's back. "Here go!") I love summer time. Diapers only. Less laundry. I love being able to understand what he's saying, when even Johnny will be like, "What does he want?" That is a great joy of being able to stay home with him. I cannot imagine missing any of this. I'm so fortunate for a loving, generous husband who's job allows me to just be wife/mom.

We recently took him to Marine World with the cousins, Aunt, Uncle, and grandparents, and although he was so tired and overly stimulated by the crowds, he was surprisingly well behaved, and just took it all in. I can't wait to go again (this time after nap) when he can really enjoy the animals.

I wish I could capture all his adorable new moments and store them somewhere I can always come back to. It saddens me that he's growing so quickly and I'm not documenting everything like I did his first year. However, I'm very much looking forward to experiencing these milestones all over again with Boone. And I know it doesn't end here. There are many more exciting things to come.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

aaaaaaw...such a cutie all snuggled with his stuffed animal! can't wait to hear when Boone comes! so exciting!