Friday, March 30, 2012

Pluto Pancakes

The boys were asking for Pluto pancakes this morning. Pluto? As is Mickey Mouse's dog pancakes? I am not that talented so we compromised and made them the size of Lincoln's head. And that's saying something!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dear Lincoln

Dear Lincoln,

I love the way you bring me flowers whenever you are playing in the yard. I tell you, "Okay, that's enough! No more flowers." You run outside, "Okay, mom" but moments later, I see a giant, blue eye peeking around the wide open door, followed by a tiny hand clasping another yellow bunch, roots and dirt attached. "Mom? Can I just give you flowers one more time because I love you so much?" How can I resist. "Okay. One more time."

This goes on for quite awhile, with the beautifully heartfelt pickings of daisies and dandelions continuing to pile up. I'm a tad bit bugged that "last time" never registers, and you are blatantly disobeying me. I am always very consistent with discipline! This moment, this is when I begin to feel guilty. I cannot be annoyed at your genuine sweetness. How long will you bring me flowers because you "love so much?" When will these flowers be meant for another? You say I am your sweetheart. You will always be my sweetheart.

Tonight as you decorated my hair, you wrinkled your forehead, realizing you were running out of room behind my ear. "Oh! I've got an idea! We can put 'em in your nosslers!" I think you meant nostrils. Daddy and I didn't have the heart to correct you, as we tried to conceal our giggles. "Nosslers" they will be, from now until you figure out the real word.

I love you, my quirky boy.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


It's the name of the newest ninja game. You shout "hi-YA-kee-ya!" 
They've been watching Jackie Chan.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Car seat comfort

Lincoln is riding in his new booster seat got the first time today and Boone traded up to Lincoln's old one.

L - "Thank you, mom. I just really LOVE my new car chair!"

Me - "Is it comfortable?"

L - "Hmmm...Not so much."

Me - "Where does it hurt? What will make it more comfortable?"

L - "No! Nothing hurts, I just think a blanket would make me more comfortable."

Boone chimes in from the third row "My seat isn't a wittle comfortable. It's a BIG comfortable!"

This is how we watch cartoons over here...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ka Chow!

Boone is flying through the house in his superman cape, fist in the air shouting "Ka chow! Ka chow!" Lincoln rolls his eyes, "Boone, please stop saying that. It's kinda freakin' me out."

Boone's Urban Dictionary Continued...

"Wincolnwookadiss" (wink/in/wuk/ad/iss) not exactly a noun or a verb.

Definition: Anything (as determined by) child number two necessitates, or demands that child number one place full attention on and or acknowledge.

Examples:  "Wincolnwookadiss, I have a milk mustache!" "Wincolnwookadiss somersault!"

"Arm wrestle" - n

Definition - The section of a couch, or love seat generally used as a resting place for an upper extremity, typically the arm. 

Example:  "Mom, can I run and fwip over da 'arm wrestle'?"

"A rubber nose" - n

Definition - A nose that has been steamrolled across the floor, leaving a somewhat red, gnarly rash on the upper portion of the proboscis.

Derivative:  "Boone, you got a rug burn on your nose from playing 'bulldozer' on the carpet!"

Boone's "rubber nose"

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dis Banket

One of my favorite Boonisms. When anyone gets and owie, he runs to his bed to get his "animal banket" to lay on the owie, whatever it might be cause "Here, dis banket weow feew you betta." It has real magical powers, dontchaknow?

Bad in dem shades!

Lincoln wanted to know if he looked BAD in his sunglasses. I answered, "No, sweetie, you look really handsome!"

"No, mom. Do I look BAD in them? Like the good kind of bad?"

"Oh, well sure! You look bad dude!"

"Thanks! Hey," he takes them off to inspect them. "Do you know who makes these shades?"

Oh sweet Jesus, who is this child?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Genius Alert!

Picking my jaw off the floor. Johnny just asked Lincoln if he could spell his name backwards. Without missing a beat he did it perfectly, as if it were nothing. Then, to make sure it wasn't a fluke, we had him do it again. And then asked him to spell Boone's backwards. Yup, my 4 year old is a genius! What does this mean, I wonder!?!