Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Welcome Dixie! (My birth story)

Four days ago we became a family of six!

Woke up on my due date with that feeling. After many evenings experiencing prodromal labor, these contractions were unusually early in the morning and, although distant in spacing, they continued.

Decided to walk around downtown Walnut Creek with my mom and sister who had flown in the day before. Johnny surprised me and came home from work, despite me telling him to stay as I felt it would still be awhile. I think he just didn't wanna miss anything. My doctor had just informed us that this, being my fourth, could happen quite suddenly.

We walked and shopped for several hours, including one long appointment at the Apple store getting Johnny's phone replaced. The gentleman there didn't seem to believe my response to "When are you due?" I replied with a smile, "Today. I'm actually in the early phase of labor!"

We went back to my parents house to have dinner with the boys. I took a long soak in their giant, luxurious, porcelain tub. Contractions went from 8 to 5 minutes apart. About an hour later, they were 2 minutes apart and growing in intensity. We decided around 8pm to head to the hospital. I was determined to not be sent home this time around.

8:30 - Triage. Contractions 2 minutes apart and unbearable. Only 3cm? Since the nurse could tell that this could happen fast, she decided to admit me.

The timing at this point is fuzzy to me, because I had no pain management. I had decided to play it by ear in the epidural department. Hudson's labor progressed so quickly and I had only pushed for 5 minutes with him!

Midnight? - My back labor had become so unbearable (also, this being my 3rd vbac, the nerve pain near my 5 year old c-section scar got the brunt of the pain). Only 5cm. I decided at that time to get a dose of fentanyl to see if that helped. All it did was make my dizzy and slow my contractions. Don't get me wrong, I welcomed the 5 minute breaks in between the agony. Not long after, exhaustion hit and I caved, ordering the epidural.

1am - One LONG hour later the anesthesiologist arrived and administered it. Didn't take. Not an ounce of relief. Turns out that I had been transitioning during the wait.

1:30am - My midwife confirmed that I was 8cm and if my water broke right then the baby would come immediately.

2am - Midwife said we could wait and labor on until my water broke (she had a feeling it would be soon) or to break it and deliver within minutes. Johnny made the executive decision to have her break it, but as she was about to, it broke on its own!!! Two pushes and 3 agonizing minutes later I was holding our beautiful pink baby girl!!!

Dixie Monroe Gillespie
4/9/13 at 2:03am
7lbs 1oz, 21 3/4in

It was a whirlwind, painful, but perfect delivery! Even after four babies, these moments never lose their magic and mystery.

The boys are so in love with our new addition. They cannot get enough kisses or hugs in a day.

I don't blame them...neither can daddy and mommy!

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