I came across a few fun party games while I am planning Lincoln's birthday. I think some of these are a bit too old for him, but might be fun for the adults! If nothing else, they'd be great photo ops!
*Baby Gym Relay
Have you ever noticed much moving your little one does? Most adults would find this exhausting! This relay race will give your guests a workout. Place two baskets at one end of the room and a pile of toys on the other end. Divide the guests into teams. The game starts at the pile of toys. Players take turns picking up a toy, crawling (or walking on the their knees) to the basket, dropping the toy into the basket and returning to their team. Next player takes their turn and so on...until all of the toys are in the basket. First team to finish wins!
*Muscle Builders
Inflate up to 100 small balloons. Divide guests into two teams and select one guest on each team to be the "weakling." The remaining guests will be "personal trainers." Gather teams on opposite sides of the room and divide the balloons between them. The weakling puts on one-piece long johns or any other simple jumpsuit type of clothing you may have. When you say "go," the teams of personal trainers must make their weaklings grow instant muscles by stuffing as many balloons as hey can into their long underwear. Give teams one minute for this task. When time is up - and you've taken lots of pictures! - remove and count the balloons for each team. The weakling with the most "muscles" or balloons, wins!
*Chimp Race (better than twister!)
Players stand side by side. At a signal, they spread their feet apart, bend over and grasp their ankles. In this position, with knees stiff, they must cross the goal line (about 20 feet away). The one who gets there first wins! If they lose grip of their ankles, they must return to the starting line and begin again! Don't forget the camera!
*Monkey See Monkey Do (better for older kids)
In this very funny game, none of the players are allowed to laugh. Here's how it goes: All the players sit close together in a circle. One of them starts the game by turning to the person on their right and doing something (eg. squeeze the arm, mess their hair, straighten clothes, make a face, etc.). Whatever that player does, the neighbor must do it to the next player on their right. That player must do the same thing to their neighbor. When it get's back to the first player, they can add another gesture! If someone laughs, they are out. Smaller groups work best for this game.
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